Apex Picnic Area and Lookout Renaming Proposal

Consultation has concluded

At the 4 December 2024 Council Meeting, Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the Rescission Motion (raised at the 4 September 2024 Council Meeting), recommending that the name ‘Apex Lookout’ remain as the official name of the popular Neerim South landmark. 

Following endorsement of the official name of 'Apex Lookout', Council (as the official naming authority in this instance) will submit the name to Geographic Names Victoria for acceptance.

We want to thank the community for providing feedback throughout the consultation period.


Apex Picnic Area and Lookout was first raised for discussion at Council's Place Names Advisory Committee in 2017, when the topic of the site's official name came into question, following the appearance of a sign at the site referring to it as 'Little Charli's Lookout'.

The signage appeared without explanation, leading Council to seek information about its origin from the surrounding communities and VicRoads.

No information was received supporting the name 'Little Charli's Lookout', leading to the removal of the illegally constructed signage in March 2018.

Although no official explanation existed for the name 'Little Charli's Lookout', it became the default name for the popular lookout and rest area on online tourism platforms such as TripAdvisor, creating confusion for locals and visitors alike.

Neither 'Apex Picnic Area and Lookout' nor 'Little Charli's Lookout' are registered as the location's official name with Geographic Names Victoria.

The need for an official name

Council's Place Names Advisory Committee has made the recommendation to Council that the best course of action is to provide clarity to the local community and leverage existing tourism opportunities by proposing to officially name the site 'Little Charli's Picnic Area and Lookout'.

Community Consultation

This consultation opportunity closed on Monday 6 May 2024

Next steps

The Apex Picnic Area and Lookout Renaming Proposal was taken to the 4 September 2024 Council Meeting, where a Notice of Rescission Motion was lodged.

In accordance with Council’s Governance Rules, the rescission motion must now be considered at the first available Ordinary Meeting of Council. Due to the Election Period, the rescission motion will be considered at the Council Meeting on 4 December 2024. No action will be taken until the resolution of the motion.

Further information about the notice of rescission will be provided in the agenda for this Council Meeting, which will be published on Council’s website on 27 November 2024.

At the 4 December 2024 Council Meeting, Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the Rescission Motion (raised at the 4 September 2024 Council Meeting), recommending that the name ‘Apex Lookout’ remain as the official name of the popular Neerim South landmark. 

Following endorsement of the official name of 'Apex Lookout', Council (as the official naming authority in this instance) will submit the name to Geographic Names Victoria for acceptance.

We want to thank the community for providing feedback throughout the consultation period.


Apex Picnic Area and Lookout was first raised for discussion at Council's Place Names Advisory Committee in 2017, when the topic of the site's official name came into question, following the appearance of a sign at the site referring to it as 'Little Charli's Lookout'.

The signage appeared without explanation, leading Council to seek information about its origin from the surrounding communities and VicRoads.

No information was received supporting the name 'Little Charli's Lookout', leading to the removal of the illegally constructed signage in March 2018.

Although no official explanation existed for the name 'Little Charli's Lookout', it became the default name for the popular lookout and rest area on online tourism platforms such as TripAdvisor, creating confusion for locals and visitors alike.

Neither 'Apex Picnic Area and Lookout' nor 'Little Charli's Lookout' are registered as the location's official name with Geographic Names Victoria.

The need for an official name

Council's Place Names Advisory Committee has made the recommendation to Council that the best course of action is to provide clarity to the local community and leverage existing tourism opportunities by proposing to officially name the site 'Little Charli's Picnic Area and Lookout'.

Community Consultation

This consultation opportunity closed on Monday 6 May 2024

Next steps

The Apex Picnic Area and Lookout Renaming Proposal was taken to the 4 September 2024 Council Meeting, where a Notice of Rescission Motion was lodged.

In accordance with Council’s Governance Rules, the rescission motion must now be considered at the first available Ordinary Meeting of Council. Due to the Election Period, the rescission motion will be considered at the Council Meeting on 4 December 2024. No action will be taken until the resolution of the motion.

Further information about the notice of rescission will be provided in the agenda for this Council Meeting, which will be published on Council’s website on 27 November 2024.