Submit a nomination for Baw Baw's Sporting Walk of Fame

Nominations for the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame are now closed. We would like to thank our community members who took the time to make a nomination.

Do you know a local athlete who deserves to be cemented into local sporting history?

History of the Sporting Walk of Fame

Located in Civic Park, Warragul, the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame celebrates talented local athletes and is a prestigious recognition of sporting excellence and achievement.

Developed in 1999, by Baw Baw Shire Council Recreation Officer, the late Mike Goyne, the Community Committee was formed to turn the 2000 Olympic Torch Relay Stop into a significant event.

Linking the Olympics with the committee’s interest in the ongoing recognition of the Baw Baw Shire’s champion athletes, the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame was created.

On 9 August 2000, the anniversary of the Olympic Torch visit, Council formally launched the Sporting Walk of Fame with the induction of 5 local athletes.

Following the first inductions, the committee began seeking nominations from the public and inducting even more athletes, with all inductees having a commemorative plaque installed along the pathway in Civic Park, Warragul.

The Committee officially inducted 18 local athletes to the Sporting Walk of Fame from 2000 – 2017.

On 9 October 2019, Council formally took on the responsibility of deciding the result of an athlete’s nomination and induction into the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame.

As of 2022, a total of 24 athletes from the Baw Baw Shire have been inducted into the Sporting Walk of Fame.

To learn more about the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame, head to our website.

Next steps.

Between 26 July and 11 August 2024, community members were invited to take part in shaping the Sporting Walk of Fame and honour local sports figures by submitting a nomination.

Nominations closed 11 August 2024.

Following this process, nominations will be presented to Council’s Place Names Advisory Committee, and also at a future Council meeting where Councillors will consider nominee recommendations.

Nominations for the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame are now closed. We would like to thank our community members who took the time to make a nomination.

Do you know a local athlete who deserves to be cemented into local sporting history?

History of the Sporting Walk of Fame

Located in Civic Park, Warragul, the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame celebrates talented local athletes and is a prestigious recognition of sporting excellence and achievement.

Developed in 1999, by Baw Baw Shire Council Recreation Officer, the late Mike Goyne, the Community Committee was formed to turn the 2000 Olympic Torch Relay Stop into a significant event.

Linking the Olympics with the committee’s interest in the ongoing recognition of the Baw Baw Shire’s champion athletes, the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame was created.

On 9 August 2000, the anniversary of the Olympic Torch visit, Council formally launched the Sporting Walk of Fame with the induction of 5 local athletes.

Following the first inductions, the committee began seeking nominations from the public and inducting even more athletes, with all inductees having a commemorative plaque installed along the pathway in Civic Park, Warragul.

The Committee officially inducted 18 local athletes to the Sporting Walk of Fame from 2000 – 2017.

On 9 October 2019, Council formally took on the responsibility of deciding the result of an athlete’s nomination and induction into the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame.

As of 2022, a total of 24 athletes from the Baw Baw Shire have been inducted into the Sporting Walk of Fame.

To learn more about the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame, head to our website.

Next steps.

Between 26 July and 11 August 2024, community members were invited to take part in shaping the Sporting Walk of Fame and honour local sports figures by submitting a nomination.

Nominations closed 11 August 2024.

Following this process, nominations will be presented to Council’s Place Names Advisory Committee, and also at a future Council meeting where Councillors will consider nominee recommendations.

  • CLOSED: Nominations are currently closed.

    Nominate a deserving local athlete to be inducted into the Baw Baw Shire Sporting Walk of Fame. 

Page last updated: 12 Aug 2024, 09:03 AM